Dating Red Flags We All Ignored–Until We Didn’t

Graphic By Devin Garza
By Archana Mendis
Let’s be real–somewhere between falling too fast and over-romanticizing the bare minimum, we’ve all ignored a few flashing red flags in the name of love–or lust. Whether it was the guy who “wasn’t ready for a relationship” but still wanted all the perks, or the one who conveniently never had his wallet when the bill arrived, we’ve seen it all.
So in the spirit of self-reflection–and maybe some public service, let’s talk about the biggest dating red flags we should have never, ever overlooked.
1. The “I’m Not Like Other Guys’” Guy
If a man has to tell you he’s different, he’s usually the same brand of disaster–just with better packaging. These guys come with a side of “I’m just really bad at texting” and a main course of emotionally unavailable behavior.
2. The Walking Red Flag Emoji: 🚩🚩🚩
If your best friend, your mother, and the random lady at the nail salon all give you “the look” when you mention his name, you might want to listen. Sometimes, everyone else sees the train wreck before you do.
3. The “Let’s Just Go With the Flow” Type
Translation? He’s not planning on committing but he’d love to keep you around while he explores other options. “Going with the flow” sounds fun until you realize you’ve been flowing in circles for months with no destination.
4. The “All My Exes Are Crazy” Guy
Newsflash: If every single one of his past relationships ended in a woman allegedly losing her mind, the common denominator isn’t them–it’s him.
5. The Inconsistent Texter–But Only With You
Listen, we all get busy. But if he’s posting on Instagram, active on WhatsApp, and responding to his fantasy football group chat but takes two days to reply to your “How was your day?”–girl, he’s just not that into you.
6. The Bare Minimum King
He texts “Good morning” and suddenly you think he’s husband material? If he remembers your favorite coffee order, are we nominating him for a boyfriend of the year award? Stop rewarding men for doing what should be the absolute basics.
7. The Secretive but Not Private One
There’s a difference between being private and being a whole mystery. If you’ve been dating for months and still don’t know his last name, where he lives, or what he actually does for work–congrats, you’re dating a ghost.
8. The Future Faker
He talks about one day taking you down South, getting a dog together, or naming your future kids–but he won’t even commit to dinner plans next Friday. Beware of the guy who sells you dreams but delivers disappointment.
9. The “Too Cool for Love” Dude
If he thinks romance is “cringe” and effort is “too much work,” you are not dealing with a man—you are babysitting a grown child who refuses to acknowledge emotions. Run.
10. The One You Had to Make Excuses For
If you find yourself constantly explaining why his bad behavior isn’t that bad–or how he’s just “going through a phase”, take a step back. You deserve someone you don’t have to defend like a lawyer in court.
Final Thoughts
Red flags aren’t just cute little quirks–they’re warnings. And while we’ve all fallen into the trap of ignoring them, the key is learning from our mistakes. So if you find yourself excusing away the 🚩s, remember you don’t need to “wait and see”. Trust your gut, love yourself first, and when in doubt—girl, block him.