UTRGV Men’s golfer Arthit Kruaprayong follows through after hitting his ball off the tee of hole eight Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club. Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Esteban Gonzalez reads his putt on the putting green of hole seven Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club.
Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Luis Limón keeps his eye on the ball as it flies through the air Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen County Club.
Derick Lara/PulseUTRGV Men’s golfer Esteban Gonzalez holds his follow through on the tee of hole 11 Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club.
Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Emilio Gil Leyva gets ready to putt during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club. Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Luis Limón takes a second to think before he hits his ball off the tee of hole 11 Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club. Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Esteban Gonzalez prepares to putt on hole seven Tuesday during the South Texas Matchplay at the McAllen Country Club. Derick Lara/Pulse
UTRGV Men’s golfer Emilio Gil Leyva stares down the fairway of hole one before the start of his match Tuesday at the McAllen Country Club. Derick Lara/Pulse