Arts & Entertainment
Photo Series: Charro Days with UTRGV
Charro Days is a multi-day cultural festival celebrated in Brownsville and Matamoros. It originated in 1937 to strengthen ties between...
Allí nos wachamos
Dancers dressed in traditional Charro Days costumes are shown performing at Charreada 2018 at the Texas Southmost College Oliveira Services...
Pulse Picks: Christmas Movies
In no particular order, the Pulse staff presents their favorite holiday movies: Photo Courtesy: Made In Hollywood Veronica's Pick: Four...
For The Filmmaker and The Film Lover
The 30th Annual CineSol Film Festival is set to take place this weekend in Brownsville for the first time since...
“Con la Mirada En El Cielo, Y la Troka En El Suelo”
The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) is made up of many cultures. Every culture plays a unique role in the structure...